Destination South Germany (Bad Birnbach – Bavaria) – Hofgut Hafnerleiten

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Destination South Germany.

Hofgut Hafnerleiten in Bad Birnbach – Bavaria.

Contributed by Jens Hoffmann.

Which hotel is my favourite? And in which hotel I feel most comfortable during my stays (tests)?
I am usually compelled to answer questions like this? Yes, I spend half of the year in foreign beds. The luxury brands Shangri-La, Mandarin, Ritz Carlton are all united by the ambition to provide a perfect time.
Bayern - Bad Birnbach - Hofgut Hafnerleiten -------- Das Foto darf ausschließlich für Marketing und PR-Maßnahmen des Hofgutes Hafnerleiten in Bad Birnbach verwendet werden. Jegliche Nutzung Dritter ist mit dem Bildautor gesondert zu vereinbaren.

Besides this I love digital detox & architecture, I found this in Bad Birnbach.

Die Fotos dürfen ausschließlich für Marketingmaßnahmen des Hotels "Hofgut Hafnerleiten" in Bad Birnbach verwendet werden. Jegliche Nutzung Dritter ist mit dem Bildautor Günter Standl (; +49868295824) gesondert zu vereinbaren.

We checked in at the eco-luxury Hofgut Hafnerleiten in Bad Birnbach (near Passau)

It was fantastic. We stayed together with the kids in a nice “Haus am Wald”, a home inside a proper “5-star bio-resort”. 

The Hofgut combines all the services you’d expect from a luxury hotel, design and style, friendly and welcoming staff that characterize the region and fantastic hotels.

You’d be hard pressed to find a fault. You will find all kind of architectural highlights, a tree-house, forest house and sea houses. The houses are stylish and modern, the views on the the ground are spectacular, add in the cosy Bavarian “outback” area, a fantastic social restaurant (all the guests eat together), overlooking the small lake and you have a Hofgut that will appeal to the most demanding of guests, regardless of their views on green buildings and ecoluxury.
I n fact, it is one of the Hofgut biggest strengths that it wears it`s eco-credentials so lightly – if you are not interested in environmental issues you would not necessarily know that the Hofgut Hafnerleiten is at the cutting edge of sustainable green design. 
However, if you are interested, the Hofgut has a amazing story to tell and I love places like this starting in the future, sustainable and eco-friendly. We had organic, local food, toilets that only use rainwater and food items with labels that trace ingredients back to a specific field. The hotel has it`s own veil and all this reflects the owners life style, Anja and Erwin like the nice things of life, but no needs no waste things. The greatest luxury is freetime, mobile free living back to the nature but in style.
My passion was to go to the sauna and jump in my own lake.

Hofgut Mice

Furthermore they love the organized cooking shows by Chef de Cuisine Erwin Rückerl and are willed to pay for this and Erwins great humour.

There’s no such thing as a 100% sustainable “bio resort”. This trend will keep taking off, more and more people take sustainability for granted our tour of the Hofgut and what they realized was fantastic. The Hofgut Hafnerleiten looked and felt like an entirely conventional, if rather luxurious private houses hotel, and I was fully expecting to be slightly underwhelmed by the operation’s green credentials. It was unclear precisely how a hotel that felt so normal could really embody a fundamentally greener future.

 The place attained the highest eco standards, and yet its emissions are lower than everywhere else.
 We need a change there is nothing wrong with staying away from luxury chains, sleep in a tent or do glamping, but it remains unrealistic to associate environmentalism with this level of puritanical austerity.

We loved this ecoluxury style experience and support highclass architectural projects like the Hofgut Hafnerleiten.

F&B: The owner 
Erwin R. prepares every evening the dinner mostly mediteranean style.

Great food, just delicious. We had several nice dinner with local vegetables, duck, pasta homemade and lots of local ingredients.
The food came together with a nice “Endrizzi” white wine, one of my favourite italian wines.

We will come back soon.
Endrizzi Hofgut

Hofgut Hafnerleiten

Photos by Günther Standl.

Living in style.